Creating a KPI on a Business Process Model |
In Process Platform, you can create and configure the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) on a Business Process Model, in any of the following ways:
- You can create a KPI using Business Measure.
- Alternatively, you can create a KPI directly on a Business process model as described below.
- In the Workspace Documents > <project>, right-click the required <business process model> and select Model Properties.
- Select KPI tab and click
icon on the tool bar of the table to launch KPI Wizard.
- Specify the name, description, and the goal that describes the purpose and objective of the KPI in the Name, Description, and Goal fields, respectively.
- In the Define Objectives section, do the following:
- Select the unit of measure from Unit of Measure drop-down list.
- Enter a target value in the text box next to Target Value.
- Click to add the range limits. For each range limit, specify a name, and enter the lower and upper limits in their respective columns as required, and click Next.
- In the Build Metric section, build the metric by choosing the aggregate function on an attribute that was defined using a Message filter. Based on the parameters selected and filters applied, the KPI Wizard will automatically generate the business measure. Do the following:
- In the Define Aggregation section,
- Select Aggregation type. You can select the Aggregation type from the list of aggregate functions which include Sum, Count, Average, Min, Max.
- Select the required attribute from Attribute drop-down list. These attributes include the standard attributes as well as the Message Filter elements defined in the business process model.
- Type an Alias name for the selected attribute in the Alias field.
- In the Define Filters section create a filter that is based on the parameters configured in the Aggregate definition above. You can define multiple filters.
- Click
to add a filter.
- Select the required Attributes.
- Select operators which include '=', '<>', '>', '<', '>=',and '<='.
- Provide values for the attributes and click Next.
- Click
- In the Configure Time frame section, do the following:
- Select date-time attribute from drop-down list box.
- Select Time-frame window type from the drop-down list box which includes Static and Rolling.
- Select From date and To date.
- In the Define Aggregation section,
- In the Expression section, do the following: Build the necessary expression. Refer to building expression from the procedure to build expressions. If the KPI should be triggered on a periodical basis to build trend analysis, select the Define Schedule check box and click Next.
- To configure the frequency of interval at which the KPI should be invoked, do the following in the Schedule section:
- Select the Auto Deploy check box to automatically deploy the schedule to run-time when the KPI is published.
- Select the frequency from Schedule Type drop-down list and configure the duration.
- Select the Target Document Type drop-down list and do the following:
- Choose the required Target for Business Process Model and Web service document types.
- Provide the text for Request XML for Custom XML document type.
- Select Define Actions check box (Additionally, you can also select Model Email that can be triggered as an action check box if you want to model an e-mail template and send e-mail as part of the action) and click Next to define the Actions.
- Select Email Model to configure an E-mail model on the KPI.
- Select Conditions and Actions and configure the required conditions and actions. When on scheduled interval, if the specified conditions are met, the appropriate actions (Triggering Business process, Web Service or sending Notifications) will be triggered.
After you complete this task: You can publish the KPI to the organization.
You have successfully created KPI on a Business Process Model.
The KPIs created are displayed in the explorer view, as a child node of the process or the Activity on which the KPI is created. However, if a KPI is created on constructs such as Send Message, Receive Message, Start, End, Timeout and so on, which are not shown in the explorer view, then the KPIs created on these constructs are not displayed in the explorer view too.
Therefore, if you have to use these KPIs, select the Insert > Composite Control and other option on the User Interface toolbar and select the relevant KPI.